Welcome to the website of the Bracondale Residents Association.

Bracondale is a street approaching the ancient city of Norwich from the South East. It has been a major thoroughfare for many centuries, from the Ber Street Gate in the City Walls and out via the village of Trowse to the port of Lowestoft.

The first houses were built here after the Reformation but most of the development dates from the early nineteenth century. There are a number of listed buildings and the road is included in a designated Conservation Area.

The Association

The Bracondale Residents' Association exists to preserve the special character of the neighbourhood and to foster communication between its residents. It promotes research into the Local History and Natural History of the area and liaises on behalf of its members with the local councils etc on proposed changes and local issues.

The Association has lively history and gardening groups. There is a book group, and some members take an active role in litter picking and gardening in public areas. Members’ events include lectures, walks, coffee mornings and parties. Since 2020 we have run a shopping service for the elderly and housebound.


Membership is open to those who live on Bracondale itself and the adjoining streets. To apply to join see the Membership Page.

Members can request a login to this site with this sign-up form. Logged in users can see pages that are only accessible to members of the Association.

General Enquiries

For other information please contact the Association by emailing bracondaleresidentsassociation@gmail.com.


This site is hosted by Voice but wholly maintained on a voluntary basis by members of the Association. Voice is in no way responsible for any information provided on this site.


For issues relating to the website itself please click here.

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