Bracondale Residents Association

Membership Application Form

Thank you for your interest in the Association. Membership is open to those living in Bracondale and its immediate surroundings.

Please enter your name and email address if you have one*
eg: Miss                   Jane Austen                                    

You can enter details for a second person here

Please enter your address and postcode

Please give us your phone number in case we need to contact you at short notice about an event

Membership costs £2 per person per year or £10 per person for five years or £18 per person for ten years. The period runs from the AGM in April.

Please select your payment option

BACS payments to: Lloyds Bank - Bracondale Residents Association, Sort Code - 30 96 17, Account Number - 04329959
Cheques should be payable to "Bracondale Residents Association"
Cash or cheques my be enclosed with this form or delivered directly to our Treasurer, John Mortimer, at 37 Bracondale

If enclosing cash or cheque please print this form, put it in an envelope with payment and deliver to:

Julz Williams (Membership Secretary)

76 Bracondale



Otherwise you may deliver as above or email to with the Subject: Membership

If you cannot print the form then a hand written or email application is acceptable.

Thank you.

You should receive a confirmation from us within a few days. If not please use the contact form on the website or email us at


Once your membership has been confirmed you will receive an email inviting you to sign up to the website in order to access the members-only areas.

*Your email address will be used occasionally to send you details of Association activities and to inform you of local matters that we think will be of interest. We will not share your contact details or use them to market any third party products or services.